Elastomeric Flex Connectors

Mason Flex Connectors

We are proud to carry Mason Industries Elastomeric Flex Connectors. The result of an evolution leading to the best Elastomeric Flex Connector for piping in the HVAC market.


  • Specifically designed to address vibration induced noise associated with HVAC piping systems.
  • Able to deal with large expansion/contraction movements and non-parallel mating-flange interfaces.
  • Has the lowest ‘failure rate’ of any elastomeric connector.
  • Will last decades in chilled and ambient temperature applications.
  • Will last longer than any other flex connector on the market in hot water applications.
  • One of the few Elastomeric Connectors that has been truly ‘engineered’.
  • The most appropriate flexible connector for applications in seismic areas.

The Problem

No matter how well vibration is isolated in electrical or mechanical equipment, it becomes ineffective if secondary paths are not addressed. Specifically the electrical, gas and mechanical connections to that equipment. Of these 3 connections, the piping connections are by far the most significant.

Fluid piping transmits vibration both along the wall of the pipe and in the fluid stream. In the wall of the pipe, the more mechanical devices hard mounted to the equipment frame, the broader the range of vibration. This vibration will travel down the pipe wall if the pipe is hard attached to any of the equipment.

Every vibration signature from every piece of equipment transmits directly to the structure. Unless, of course, there is an in-stream vibration isolation device in the piping. Specifically, between equipment and the attachment point to the building.

Piping is there so that fluids can move through them and that takes energy, invariably imparted to the fluid by a pump. Fluid movement is not a smooth even flow, rather it is a pulsating flow. This is directly related to the rotational speed of the pump times the number impellers in the pump.

Whether the vibration travels mechanically down the pipe wall or travels in the fluid steam, once the energy gets into the structure this vibration energy will be shed as airborne noise. This is referred to as ‘Vibration Induced Noise’ and it is the underlying cause of most ‘Noise Complaints’.

All acoustic devices installed in piping systems must target both:

• Mechanical vibration traveling down the pipe wall
• Pulsations traveling in the fluid stream

The Evolution and Solution

Elastomeric flexible connectors have been available for over a century. They are similar to braided metal connectors. Braided connectors were developed for reciprocating equipment to relieve stresses and alignment issues at the interface between piping and engines and compressors. However, braided steel connectors are not flexible enough for use in HVAC piping systems. Elastomeric Connectors were developed for similar reasons and specifically for the HVAC industry.

About 50 years ago, Mason recognized the critical importance of having effective piping isolators working in concert with their equipment isolation systems. So, they approached elastomeric connector manufacturers to see if they would be interested. Specifically in developing and manufacturing connectors to deal with vibration in piping. However, none of the manufacturers were interested.

Mason decided to develop and manufacture flex connectors on their own. In the process they found that there were some inherent design flaws in existing designs of traditional flex connectors. They found this was particularly the case in hot water applications.

Mason incorporated many of their findings in their connectors, such as:

  • the elastomer best suited for use in HVAC applications
  • the best available reinforcement
  • the most effective way of integrating the elastomeric inner and outer surfaces with the intermediary reinforcement
  • a way of eliminating pull-out of the elastomeric element from its flanges during a dynamic event.

As a result, Mason Flexible Connectors significantly reduce vibration and noise. Simply put, they are the most reliable elastomeric flex connector on the market today.

Did you know?

Mason Flex connectors are the only elastomeric flex connectors on the market specifically designed to reduce acoustic energy in piping systems.

SafeFlex Connectors

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