Vibration Isolation – Rubber vs. Spring Isolators

Vibration and instability can shorten the life of any equipment. It can also result in distracting noise that can disrupt critical workflows and the peaceful enjoyment of our homes. It is important to find a solution to these unwanted vibration and noise problems. Both to maximize the life of industrial machinery and keep work and residential spaces happy and safe.

There are a number of equipment vibration isolation solutions. However, it is spring isolators that often perform better than rubber isolators. The fact is, not all vibration challenges can be solved with rubber isolators.

Under industrial machinery, spring mountings produce a higher static deflection rate than rubber neoprene isolators. The springs create an air gap that allows for free oscillation of the equipment with minimal transfer of energy into the structure.

Have you ever wondered exactly why a spring isolator can outperform a rubber isolator?

To find out why spring isolators can outperform rubber isolators watch this informative video which explains the importance of static deflection in the performance of vibration isolation systems.

We carry free standing spring mounts, spring mounts for seismic and restrained service, jack up spring mounts and other types. In seismic zones, seismic spring mounts are used to both isolate and restrain the equipment in case of an earthquake. They are commonly used for a variety of equipment such as air handling equipment, fan equipment, compressors and cooling towers.

Explore our spring isolation mounts.

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