COVID-19: Words are not enough. Actions are what matter.


The adjectives used to describe the impact of COVID-19 don’t chronicle the real challenges and fears individuals and businesses face. We are with you.

Actions matter.

Our team at Vibra-Sonic Control has taken steps to modify business practices and procedures. Our goal is two-fold:

  1. The health of our team, clients, partners and suppliers.
  2. Maintaining business continuity by meeting deadlines for quotes and product deliveries.

The safety of our staff is our top priority. During this time, we will do our best to serve our clients to the best of our ability while respecting the recommendations put in place by health authorities.

Here is what we are doing and how we are operating:

Vibra-Sonic Control is fully operational with most members working from home.

The VSC office is staffed to ensure materials are shipped as required. Orders can be made by phone (toll-free 1-866-221-7950 or 604-294-9495 ) or email as we have halted walk-in orders for the time being.

Our team has suspended in-person meetings, but everyone is available as usual by phone, email or video call.  Timelines for bid/quote submissions are being met as usual.

Site work is being taken on a case by case basis, taking into consideration the client’s COVID-19 protocols and allowance for appropriate distancing while completing our work.

Supplier protocol: Shippers who come to pick-up or drop off are required to call the office upon arrival for us to open the bay door. A 2m distance must be maintained between our staff members and drivers.

We wish our clients, partners and suppliers good health and look forward to continuing our work together through this time and in the future. Please let us know how we can help.

Let’s work together to #flattenthecurve!

Best wishes to stay safe & healthy from the Vibra-Sonic Control team.

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